Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dreamworks - "I Am Number Four"

At Sound Images, you never know what's going to happen next. That's the beauty of working at a recording studio, the excitement never stops. Late last year we received a call from Dreamworks studio in Hollywood about an upcoming film. A local Katalyst talent, Jack Walz (pictured to the right) had been casted in the upcoming film and needed to do an ADR session. It was a great time and we are all excited about seeing the completed film!

Check out the trailer for the upcoming release of Dreamworks - "I Am Number Four"

Posted by: Kristina Stewart - Studio & Marketing Director

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Good Voice Recording Requires Presence

When people think about professional announcers, most assume that all of the men must have pipes of steel and a basso profundo vocal range. However, there are as many successful male voice actors that don’t fit this description as the ones that do. So besides being able to read and interpret a script, do a bit of acting, or a vocal characterization, what separates a successful voice talent from the average announcer? The answer is presence.

Think of presence as the ratio of direct sound to reflected sound. It’s like a photo that’s sharply in focus compared to a blurred picture. A bad recording, where the talent is far from the microphone (or not properly focused on the microphone), will have sound reflections, reverberation, room tone, and a lack of high frequency that can cause it to sound “distant” and less intelligible. Conversely, a good recording, where the talent is very focused on the microphone will sound louder, even when it’s played at a lower volume than the bad recording.

Posted by: Jay Petach - Studio Engineer

Friday, January 14, 2011

So it begins

Sound Images is happy to be blogging again! Feel free to visit our website at Browse our blog for our latest happenings, ideas, etc. We hope to engage our clients and community here and provide expertise insight into the audio world.